Tuesday, 23 December 2014


Location/Date: Blowing Cave, Arkansas - 1966 - late afternoon

Several spelunkers, among them George D. Wight, were exploring the cave when they spotted a light at the end of the tunnel. As they approached it, Wight noticed a narrow crevice, just big enough for him to squeeze inside it where he found artificial steps.

He called to the others and they climbed through the opening. The tunnel expanded and they suddenly came into a large corridor, 20 by 20. The wallsand the floors were smooth and the ceiling had a curved dome shape. Soon they encountered blue skinned but otherwise human-like individuals. The strangers communicated with the witnesses, telling them that they had instruments that could measure people's emotions. They learned that the tunnels went on for miles.

They were led to underground cities populated by entities that included serpent-like creatures and large hairy bipeds. Using an elevator-like device, they were taken to a glass like city.

Soon after this incident, Wight apparently returned to the cave and was never seen again.

Source: witness Richard Toronto

Unknown Predator

Location/Date: Calama, Chile - March 16 2002 - 10:00 PM

A woman was watching television alone in her bedroom when she began hearing noises coming from outside. At first she thought it was her dogs playing around with some empty cans, but the noises kept getting louder and she decided to go outside to investigate. Once outside she was stunned to see some an unknown creature that had somehow entered the rabbit cage and was attacking the animals that were making loud terrible screams. Thinking at first that it was one of the dogs she approached the case but soon realized that it was a gray-colored hairy and hunched over creature, moving furiously quickly inside the cage. She stepped back and could not understand how the creature had entered the cage, since there wasn't any apparent hole or aperture visible anywhere and the door was securely closed.

She frantically ran inside her home and called for her son. Both then ran out but the creature had mysteriously disappeared. Unnerved, they could not understand how the creature had escaped since the door to the rabbit cage was still securely locked.

After careful examination, they could only find a small round hole in the wire only several centimeters in width, not large enough for a creature estimated to have been about 70 to 80 cm in height. Several of the rabbits were found injured and one was dead.

Source: Calama UFO Center

Dinosaur-Like Bird

Location/Date: near Murmansk, Russia - Summer 1995 - 8:30 PM

Two men were riding a car on a local road outside of Murmansk. Despite being in the evening it was still light out. The road was about 4 meters wide and was asphalt and surrounded by fields and tall canes on both sides. The road was straight and there was excellent visibility.

At approximately 15-20 meters in front of the car a strange creature was seen running across the road. The creature looked bird-like and it was visibly huge. The entity had long legs, about 2 meters long, dark feathers along the back and an odd shaped body. Unfortunately the witnesses were unable to see any additional details, but discerned that the strange 'bird' was similar to a 'running reptile.'

They stopped the car but realized that it was useless to look for the strange entity amid the dense cane fields. One of the witnesses, whilereading a book on dinosaurs, found a picture that depicted almost exactly what he and his friends had seen. The image was later identified as a dinosaur from the Order Ornithischia.

Local naturalist stated that no species of animal fitting that description lives in the region.

Source: Denis Kashin, St. Petersburg, Russia newspaper

Chapel Wood Farm Dogman

Down the road from Chapel Wood Farm, bit lower from the Hemitage Chapel in North York Moors National Park a witness states that he saw a large dog running at high speed on all four legs on a mid-afternoon around 4pm. The creature then stood up on it's hind legs for it to run and jump over a fence in which then it ran away with a young medium sheep kill. Witness estimates that the creature running on all fours was around 3 ft tall, when it rose up on it hind legs at around 5 - 6 ft tall.

More Info Coming, To Meet with Witness at Location.

Polton Mill Wolfman Sighting

Polton Mill Wolfman Sighting -
The following story comes from a researcher friend. I first heard this same account 15 years ago and was told it on good authority from another researcher who interviewed one of the witnesses directly.
Three guys, painter and decorator guys, were driving up to storage blocks in Polton Mill to resupply, and said they saw a 7 or 8 foot upright wolfbeing.....on the roof, it jumped down to in front of them their boss rapidly reversed them and they drove off.

They never returned to those warehouses, which meant the cost of all those supplies they decided to take on the chin, losing masses of replacement materials......and that foreman who had driven them there spent at least three months in hospital through the nervous breakdown it gave them.
The two other guys found out that cops were worried about the night-watchman of that precise night because he became a missing person from that night on - the cops advertised around about him as to his whereabouts but never heard from him. I think those guys avoided telling the cops that story, it's just an added detail they throw in.

Monday, 22 December 2014

My Personal Experience With British Bigfoot

Boggart's Hole Clough 2003 Stones Thrown
James Whittaker

Before I moved to Doncaster, I was living in a area in Manchester called Blackley. Me and my family would often go for walks embracing the beautiful woodlands and surroundings. Back in 2003 we decided to go for a evening walk in the nearby area of Boggart Hole Clough, an area with an amazing size to it, wildlife,a pond and even streams, but that was only a part of it. We arrived at the location at around 9PM, myself, my mum and an ex partner of hers. As we started to walk along the path, we could hear birds and the common sounds you would expect. But as we made another step, we had stopped dead in our tracks. The sudden feeling of being watched but due to the darkness in Boggart Hole Clough we couldn't see much, apart from the trees that were pretty much in front of us. Next thing we knew a small stone landed centimeters in front of us. As my mum's ex began to proceed to walk towards the pathway, another stone was thrown, and then a third. During this time we felt consistently being watched by somebody or something. It was by the third we knew it was time to go, we left the area.

The Jersey Devil

The Jersey Devil is a legendary creature or cryptid said to inhabit the Pine Barrens of Southern New Jersey, United States. The creature is often described as a flying biped with hooves, but there are many different variations. The common description is that of a kangaroo-like creature with the head of a goat, leathery bat-like wings, horns, small arms with clawed hands, cloven hooves and a forked tail. It has been reported to move quickly and often is described as emitting a "blood-curdling scream."
The Lenni Lenape tribes called the area "Popuessing". meaning "place of the dragon". Swedish explorers later named it "Drake Kill" ("drake" being a word for dragon, and "kill" meaning channel or arm of the sea (river, stream, etc.) in Dutch).

A popular origin of the story is as follows: "It was said that Mother Leeds had 12 children and, after finding she was pregnant for the 13th time, stated that this one would be the Devil. In 1735, Mother Leeds was in labor on a stormy night. Gathered around her were her friends. Mother Leeds was supposedly a witch and the child's father was the Devil himself. The child was born normal, but then changed form. It changed from a normal baby to a creature with hooves, a goat's head, bat wings and a forked tail. It growled and screamed, then killed the midwife before flying up the chimney. It circled the villages and headed toward the pines. In 1740 a clergy exorcised the demon for 100 years and it wasn't seen again until 1890."
"Mother Leeds" has been identified by some as Deborah Leeds, on grounds that Deborah Leeds' husband, Japhet Leeds, named twelve children in the will he wrote in 1736, which is compatible with the legend. Deborah and Japhet Leeds also lived in the Leeds Point section of what is now Atlantic County, New Jersey, which is commonly the location of the Jersey Devil story.

There have been many claims of sightings and occurrences allegedly involving the Jersey Devil.

According to a legend of unknown origin, while visiting the Hanover Mill Works to inspect his cannonballs being forged, Commodore Stephen Decatur sighted a flying creature flapping its wings and fired a cannonball directly upon it to no effect.
Joseph Bonaparte, elder brother of Emperor Napoleon, is also claimed to have witnessed the Jersey Devil while hunting on his Borden town estate around 1820. In 1840, the devil was blamed for several livestock killings. Similar attacks were reported in 1841, accompanied by tracks and screams. There unfortunately tends to be a lack of citations contemporary with the supposed events.

Claims of a corpse matching the Leeds Devil's description arose in Greenwich in December 1925. A local farmer shot an unidentified animal as it attempted to steal his chickens. Afterward, he claimed that none of 100 people he showed it to could identify it. On July 27, 1937 an unknown animal "with red eyes" seen by residents of Downingtown, Pennsylvania was compared to the Jersey Devil by a reporter for the Pennsylvania Bulletin of July 28, 1937. In 1951, a group of Gibbstown, New Jersey boys claimed to have seen a 'monster' matching the Devil's description, and claims of a corpse matching the Jersey Devil's description arose in 1957. In 1960, tracks and noises heard near Mays Landing were claimed to be from the Jersey Devil. During the same year the merchants around Camden offered a $10,000 reward for the capture of the Jersey Devil, even offering to build a private zoo to house the creature if captured.

During the week of January 16 through 23, 1909, newspapers of the time published hundreds of claimed encounters with the Jersey Devil from all over the state. Among alleged encounters publicized that week were claims the creature "attacked" a trolley car in Haddon Heights and a social club in Camden. Police in Camden and Bristol, Pennsylvania supposedly fired on the creature to no effect. Other reports initially concerned unidentified footprints in the snow, but soon sightings of creatures resembling the Jersey Devil were being reported throughout South Jersey and as far away as Delaware and Western Maryland. The widespread newspaper coverage led to a panic throughout the Delaware Valley prompting a number of schools to close and workers to stay home. During this period, it is rumored that the Philadelphia Zoo posted a $10,000 reward for the creature's dung. The offer prompted a variety of hoaxes, including a kangaroo with artificial wings.

Walkers Farm East Yorkshire Sighting

One night my friend and I headed out to walk my dog, it was a summer evening but fairly late so it was getting dark out. We turned down the street which now ran through Walker's Farm and had no intention of crossing over onto the remains of the farm. Instead we followed the road all the way through which took us to a very badly lit bike path. The path ran through a wood of pine trees, they were densely planted and you could see no further than a couple of feet in front of you. My dog, Nyla, was hesitant in walking down this path, pulling backwards and whimpering. She stalled what was no less than a dozen times until she gave in and literally pulled us through as fast as she could. We could see the exit of the track, thankfully, and as we approached it we heard a very loud cracking noise above our heads. My friend, Nyla and myself were all startled. Looking up we saw the tree top shaking. This was not caused by a bird or any small critter, there was no wind and the neighboring trees were still. We heard another crack, and another, and we watched as the entire tree shook from top to base and heard each branch snap as something fell from above our heads. Eventually we heard an almighty thud as something hit the ground right next to us, only we saw nothing.

Whatever it was was not visible but it shot off and we watched the branches move as it ran through them into the darkness. All of this must have only lasted a few moments and we ran off in the other direction as soon as we could move our feet.  Months later a friend and I had gone back to Walker's Farm,  It was late, around midnight, we were nowhere near the entrance to the farm but we heard a distant clanging sound. We could only describe it as metal on metal, as if a blacksmith was hard at work. We were both aware of the sound but figured it must have been coming from a distant garden or garage. The closer we came to the farm the louder it got, so loud it disrupted our conversation and we became curious of the noise that was now obviously coming from the farm. We both decided to walk to the top of the hill and when we reached it we were sure the noise was coming from inside the hut I mentioned earlier.We were both confused at this point because we had both previously visited the old hut in daylight and there was nothing but old debris scattered around the floor, no lights were coming from it, it had no windows and it was hard enough to see in daylight so we imagined it must have been the epitome of darkness in there. 
We decided to go onto the farm, and get a little closer, purely driven by curiosity. We must have been one hundred yards away from the hut when all of a sudden the noise ceased. We stopped in our tracks and moments later we were both aware of something peering out from one of the tunnels, it was a dark figure but there was enough contrast to set it apart from the darkness of the farm. It was not a man, and I do not believe it was even human. The feeling I had was enough for me to be sure of that, terrified does not come close. We were stood there and we watched as it went back in and came back to peer around the corner at us a number of times. It was bigger than a normal man, it had a shape but I cannot say it was the silhouette of a human being. Its head was a very strange shape.  In hope of a reply my friend called out to the dark figure but that only made things worse. Another dark figure appeared at the feet of the first, it was peering at us just like the other, only this one looked much more animalistic. It was crouched over, on all fours, but again I cannot say for certain that it took the shape of anything I had seen before. This silhouette made a noise only describable as a snarling, growling, angry noise, but not that of a dog of any kind. At this point we fled, running back to the hill and over it as fast as possible. When we reached the street lights we looked back towards the hill to see the first figure stood watching us. It never left the grounds of the old farm, but it followed us along as far as it could go, we saw its head bobbing up and down amidst the trees. This drove us both to tears, that is how scared we were.