Thursday, 22 May 2014

What Do They Want?

We as a whole nation, a society has adapted in life and witnessed such great events, some events that are without doubt strange mysteries, yet more mysteries keep unraveling right in front of our eyes before we can even blink. Strange lights in the skies, stories of natives meeting gods that come from our skies and people in our society right now who claim that they have had interactions with these entities. Whether these have been alleged Alien Abductions or simply just few seconds/minutes of interactions on Earth between Humans & these unknown ETs. So what do we simply do now, we want answers to all these reports we hear, we could even say we want to know off our visitors what they want or what their true intentions are to us. Do we prepare for a full scale invasion or simply greet our visitors with a cup of Tetley's.

I for one say we should be excited about them yet very weary, as far as we are concerned we don't know what they really want. Remember, Greys alone are believed to be a clone race, as for "Are we a food source for them?". How do I answer that one. In a way we are but they don't eat us. It is believed we have enzymes in our body which to Greys allows them to turn food into a sort of liquid formula based diet, so as they abduct humans some Greys will use the enzymes they find for that exact purpose. While others simply like to extract pieces of DNA and just experiment with the human body properly for all forms of research that is relevant to them.

As far as we are all concerned, the entire human race we are simply are endangered species to a degree. Waiting for more experiments to be carried out and how do we know that one day an Alien Race won't annihilate us and our planet. Just because it hasn't happened yet doesn't mean it won't in the future, some very scary thoughts, Right?

Then again though we can't always be afraid of our future or what the future holds to us all, we know they are out there. Watching us through their craft in our very own skies, just think a national security issue but are our governments interested? NO! The government got what they want from them which was aircraft extraterrestrial in origin. So now because of their own desires we have entities from other planets in our air, our very own atmosphere, entities, some with no emotions. Much like the Greys do, no emotion but happy to get their hands dirty. Maybe one day something new will take place that shows us if we can trust these alien visitors from outer space but at the moment only time will tell. If anything is to be guaranteed then it is this,  Our world government knows everything about them, even some degree of what they want, just hope that one day something will occur where they see that money and power isn't everything and that us as a nation is the important thing.

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