Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Who Are The Greys? Different Species

A race within race is an absolute guarantee when it comes to all species of animals, humanoids in the universe, whether that species is a unknown factor or not. So where are we when it comes to knowledge on different species of Greys? How many is there and how do they all differ, well something we do know is that the government has documented some of these species in their very own way, categorizing the species that they all know about too well. Now as far as I'm aware the government knows about at least 57 different species of extraterrestrials with a few of them including the different sub-species of Greys. Which makes us all wonder how many species of Greys could there be out there, watching our world among all the chaos and burning fires that our very own people create. Now I believe that due to Greys being a massive core part of UFOlogy, I thought this would be a good time to talk more on their species, now what I have discovered is that they have been split into Three Very Different Types and I'm hoping now to tell you more about these types.

Type A: Common Greys
This is the most common type of Grey. They are described as 4 to 4 and a half foot tall, with large heads and wraparound eyes, including their mouth which looks like a slit and no visible nose. In spite of the apparent physical similarities, the group of Type A Greys actually consists of several different species of Greys, not all are related and come from different parts of the Galaxy. The Zetas, e.g., come from the Reticulum constellation. These are the most commonly reported Greys and many believe that they are the worker and scientist class. Others believe that they are either 1) bio-mechanical drones or 2) a clone race which to me is a very likely thought and one that I will be talking more on as this series continues.

Type B: Tall Greys
Quite often the Greys of Type A & Type C are reported to be accompanied by one or more Greys of Type B: the Tall Greys. The type B Greys look very similar to the Type A Greys, but they are much taller. Often abductees have referred to these Tall Greys as "The Doctor", due to the fact that they seem to be the ones to oversee and be in charge of the medical procedures taking place during the abduction event. There are also two very separate types of Tall Greys, they are known as:
1) the large nosed tall Greys, or the Eban. They are 6 to 9 feet tall and are believed to come from the Betelgeuse system in the Orion Constellation.
2) the common tall Greys: They are 6 to 7 feet tall, basically a taller version of Type A and C, though it has been said that some of them has been seen with reproductive organs. They also seem to have something that resembles a small nose. These ones are believed to come from the same constellations as the Type A and C Greys.
Some people speculate that these Greys are the ones who have the leadership roles within the Grey Race and have been rumored to be the greys at the treaty signing back in California. Some say they very thin white hair suggesting that they are either a Human-Grey genetic hybrid program or that the Greys(at least the talls) are of a human-like evolutionary origin.

Type C: Smaller Greys
Sometimes people also mention about another type of Greys, a Greys which are counted as Type C. This species are said to be the shortest of them all. Estimated to be about 3 and a half foot tall. They are believed to be the most dangerous of all other Grey species. They come from Rigel and Bellatrix in the Orion constellation, also believed to be saurian/reptilian in nature.

There are many other species outside of these 3 types but I will leave them for another time, as it can get complicated, one piece of info at a time. These other species vary but one that I will be speaking about in the future is the Mantis Greys, a old looking, wrinkly Grey which has been described as having the face that resembles a Mantis hence the name, and also thought to be more of your typical elder type. Til next time though have a safe day and remember, keep watching the skies.

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