Location/Date: Blowing Cave, Arkansas - 1966 - late afternoon
Several spelunkers, among them George D. Wight, were exploring the cave when they spotted a light at the end of the tunnel. As they approached it, Wight noticed a narrow crevice, just big enough for him to squeeze inside it where he found artificial steps.
He called to the others and they climbed through the opening. The tunnel expanded and they suddenly came into a large corridor, 20 by 20. The wallsand the floors were smooth and the ceiling had a curved dome shape. Soon they encountered blue skinned but otherwise human-like individuals. The strangers communicated with the witnesses, telling them that they had instruments that could measure people's emotions. They learned that the tunnels went on for miles.
They were led to underground cities populated by entities that included serpent-like creatures and large hairy bipeds. Using an elevator-like device, they were taken to a glass like city.
Soon after this incident, Wight apparently returned to the cave and was never seen again.
Source: witness Richard Toronto
Within this blog you will be able to find all kinds of info regarding the UFO world, from conspiracies to Alien Races, MIB Encounters, Secret Underground Bases and much more.
Tuesday, 23 December 2014
Unknown Predator
Location/Date: Calama, Chile - March 16 2002 - 10:00 PM
A woman was watching television alone in her bedroom when she began hearing noises coming from outside. At first she thought it was her dogs playing around with some empty cans, but the noises kept getting louder and she decided to go outside to investigate. Once outside she was stunned to see some an unknown creature that had somehow entered the rabbit cage and was attacking the animals that were making loud terrible screams. Thinking at first that it was one of the dogs she approached the case but soon realized that it was a gray-colored hairy and hunched over creature, moving furiously quickly inside the cage. She stepped back and could not understand how the creature had entered the cage, since there wasn't any apparent hole or aperture visible anywhere and the door was securely closed.
She frantically ran inside her home and called for her son. Both then ran out but the creature had mysteriously disappeared. Unnerved, they could not understand how the creature had escaped since the door to the rabbit cage was still securely locked.
After careful examination, they could only find a small round hole in the wire only several centimeters in width, not large enough for a creature estimated to have been about 70 to 80 cm in height. Several of the rabbits were found injured and one was dead.
Source: Calama UFO Center
A woman was watching television alone in her bedroom when she began hearing noises coming from outside. At first she thought it was her dogs playing around with some empty cans, but the noises kept getting louder and she decided to go outside to investigate. Once outside she was stunned to see some an unknown creature that had somehow entered the rabbit cage and was attacking the animals that were making loud terrible screams. Thinking at first that it was one of the dogs she approached the case but soon realized that it was a gray-colored hairy and hunched over creature, moving furiously quickly inside the cage. She stepped back and could not understand how the creature had entered the cage, since there wasn't any apparent hole or aperture visible anywhere and the door was securely closed.
She frantically ran inside her home and called for her son. Both then ran out but the creature had mysteriously disappeared. Unnerved, they could not understand how the creature had escaped since the door to the rabbit cage was still securely locked.
After careful examination, they could only find a small round hole in the wire only several centimeters in width, not large enough for a creature estimated to have been about 70 to 80 cm in height. Several of the rabbits were found injured and one was dead.
Source: Calama UFO Center
Dinosaur-Like Bird
Location/Date: near Murmansk, Russia - Summer 1995 - 8:30 PM
Two men were riding a car on a local road outside of Murmansk. Despite being in the evening it was still light out. The road was about 4 meters wide and was asphalt and surrounded by fields and tall canes on both sides. The road was straight and there was excellent visibility.
At approximately 15-20 meters in front of the car a strange creature was seen running across the road. The creature looked bird-like and it was visibly huge. The entity had long legs, about 2 meters long, dark feathers along the back and an odd shaped body. Unfortunately the witnesses were unable to see any additional details, but discerned that the strange 'bird' was similar to a 'running reptile.'
They stopped the car but realized that it was useless to look for the strange entity amid the dense cane fields. One of the witnesses, whilereading a book on dinosaurs, found a picture that depicted almost exactly what he and his friends had seen. The image was later identified as a dinosaur from the Order Ornithischia.
Local naturalist stated that no species of animal fitting that description lives in the region.
Source: Denis Kashin, St. Petersburg, Russia newspaper
Two men were riding a car on a local road outside of Murmansk. Despite being in the evening it was still light out. The road was about 4 meters wide and was asphalt and surrounded by fields and tall canes on both sides. The road was straight and there was excellent visibility.
At approximately 15-20 meters in front of the car a strange creature was seen running across the road. The creature looked bird-like and it was visibly huge. The entity had long legs, about 2 meters long, dark feathers along the back and an odd shaped body. Unfortunately the witnesses were unable to see any additional details, but discerned that the strange 'bird' was similar to a 'running reptile.'
They stopped the car but realized that it was useless to look for the strange entity amid the dense cane fields. One of the witnesses, whilereading a book on dinosaurs, found a picture that depicted almost exactly what he and his friends had seen. The image was later identified as a dinosaur from the Order Ornithischia.
Local naturalist stated that no species of animal fitting that description lives in the region.
Source: Denis Kashin, St. Petersburg, Russia newspaper
Chapel Wood Farm Dogman
Down the road from Chapel Wood Farm, bit lower from the Hemitage Chapel in North York Moors National Park a witness states that he saw a large dog running at high speed on all four legs on a mid-afternoon around 4pm. The creature then stood up on it's hind legs for it to run and jump over a fence in which then it ran away with a young medium sheep kill. Witness estimates that the creature running on all fours was around 3 ft tall, when it rose up on it hind legs at around 5 - 6 ft tall.
More Info Coming, To Meet with Witness at Location.
Polton Mill Wolfman Sighting
Polton Mill Wolfman Sighting -
The following story comes from a researcher friend. I first heard this same account 15 years ago and was told it on good authority from another researcher who interviewed one of the witnesses directly.
Three guys, painter and decorator guys, were driving up to storage blocks in Polton Mill to resupply, and said they saw a 7 or 8 foot upright wolfbeing.....on the roof, it jumped down to in front of them their boss rapidly reversed them and they drove off.
They never returned to those warehouses, which meant the cost of all those supplies they decided to take on the chin, losing masses of replacement materials......and that foreman who had driven them there spent at least three months in hospital through the nervous breakdown it gave them.
The two other guys found out that cops were worried about the night-watchman of that precise night because he became a missing person from that night on - the cops advertised around about him as to his whereabouts but never heard from him. I think those guys avoided telling the cops that story, it's just an added detail they throw in.
Monday, 22 December 2014
My Personal Experience With British Bigfoot
Boggart's Hole Clough 2003 Stones Thrown
James Whittaker
Before I moved to Doncaster, I was living in a area in Manchester called Blackley. Me and my family would often go for walks embracing the beautiful woodlands and surroundings. Back in 2003 we decided to go for a evening walk in the nearby area of Boggart Hole Clough, an area with an amazing size to it, wildlife,a pond and even streams, but that was only a part of it. We arrived at the location at around 9PM, myself, my mum and an ex partner of hers. As we started to walk along the path, we could hear birds and the common sounds you would expect. But as we made another step, we had stopped dead in our tracks. The sudden feeling of being watched but due to the darkness in Boggart Hole Clough we couldn't see much, apart from the trees that were pretty much in front of us. Next thing we knew a small stone landed centimeters in front of us. As my mum's ex began to proceed to walk towards the pathway, another stone was thrown, and then a third. During this time we felt consistently being watched by somebody or something. It was by the third we knew it was time to go, we left the area.
The Jersey Devil
The Jersey Devil is a legendary creature or cryptid said to inhabit the Pine Barrens of Southern New Jersey, United States. The creature is often described as a flying biped with hooves, but there are many different variations. The common description is that of a kangaroo-like creature with the head of a goat, leathery bat-like wings, horns, small arms with clawed hands, cloven hooves and a forked tail. It has been reported to move quickly and often is described as emitting a "blood-curdling scream."
The Lenni Lenape tribes called the area "Popuessing". meaning "place of the dragon". Swedish explorers later named it "Drake Kill" ("drake" being a word for dragon, and "kill" meaning channel or arm of the sea (river, stream, etc.) in Dutch).
A popular origin of the story is as follows: "It was said that Mother Leeds had 12 children and, after finding she was pregnant for the 13th time, stated that this one would be the Devil. In 1735, Mother Leeds was in labor on a stormy night. Gathered around her were her friends. Mother Leeds was supposedly a witch and the child's father was the Devil himself. The child was born normal, but then changed form. It changed from a normal baby to a creature with hooves, a goat's head, bat wings and a forked tail. It growled and screamed, then killed the midwife before flying up the chimney. It circled the villages and headed toward the pines. In 1740 a clergy exorcised the demon for 100 years and it wasn't seen again until 1890."
"Mother Leeds" has been identified by some as Deborah Leeds, on grounds that Deborah Leeds' husband, Japhet Leeds, named twelve children in the will he wrote in 1736, which is compatible with the legend. Deborah and Japhet Leeds also lived in the Leeds Point section of what is now Atlantic County, New Jersey, which is commonly the location of the Jersey Devil story.
There have been many claims of sightings and occurrences allegedly involving the Jersey Devil.
According to a legend of unknown origin, while visiting the Hanover Mill Works to inspect his cannonballs being forged, Commodore Stephen Decatur sighted a flying creature flapping its wings and fired a cannonball directly upon it to no effect.
Joseph Bonaparte, elder brother of Emperor Napoleon, is also claimed to have witnessed the Jersey Devil while hunting on his Borden town estate around 1820. In 1840, the devil was blamed for several livestock killings. Similar attacks were reported in 1841, accompanied by tracks and screams. There unfortunately tends to be a lack of citations contemporary with the supposed events.
Claims of a corpse matching the Leeds Devil's description arose in Greenwich in December 1925. A local farmer shot an unidentified animal as it attempted to steal his chickens. Afterward, he claimed that none of 100 people he showed it to could identify it. On July 27, 1937 an unknown animal "with red eyes" seen by residents of Downingtown, Pennsylvania was compared to the Jersey Devil by a reporter for the Pennsylvania Bulletin of July 28, 1937. In 1951, a group of Gibbstown, New Jersey boys claimed to have seen a 'monster' matching the Devil's description, and claims of a corpse matching the Jersey Devil's description arose in 1957. In 1960, tracks and noises heard near Mays Landing were claimed to be from the Jersey Devil. During the same year the merchants around Camden offered a $10,000 reward for the capture of the Jersey Devil, even offering to build a private zoo to house the creature if captured.
During the week of January 16 through 23, 1909, newspapers of the time published hundreds of claimed encounters with the Jersey Devil from all over the state. Among alleged encounters publicized that week were claims the creature "attacked" a trolley car in Haddon Heights and a social club in Camden. Police in Camden and Bristol, Pennsylvania supposedly fired on the creature to no effect. Other reports initially concerned unidentified footprints in the snow, but soon sightings of creatures resembling the Jersey Devil were being reported throughout South Jersey and as far away as Delaware and Western Maryland. The widespread newspaper coverage led to a panic throughout the Delaware Valley prompting a number of schools to close and workers to stay home. During this period, it is rumored that the Philadelphia Zoo posted a $10,000 reward for the creature's dung. The offer prompted a variety of hoaxes, including a kangaroo with artificial wings.
Walkers Farm East Yorkshire Sighting
One night my friend and I headed out to walk my dog, it was a summer evening but fairly late so it was getting dark out. We turned down the street which now ran through Walker's Farm and had no intention of crossing over onto the remains of the farm. Instead we followed the road all the way through which took us to a very badly lit bike path. The path ran through a wood of pine trees, they were densely planted and you could see no further than a couple of feet in front of you. My dog, Nyla, was hesitant in walking down this path, pulling backwards and whimpering. She stalled what was no less than a dozen times until she gave in and literally pulled us through as fast as she could. We could see the exit of the track, thankfully, and as we approached it we heard a very loud cracking noise above our heads. My friend, Nyla and myself were all startled. Looking up we saw the tree top shaking. This was not caused by a bird or any small critter, there was no wind and the neighboring trees were still. We heard another crack, and another, and we watched as the entire tree shook from top to base and heard each branch snap as something fell from above our heads. Eventually we heard an almighty thud as something hit the ground right next to us, only we saw nothing.
Whatever it was was not visible but it shot off and we watched the branches move as it ran through them into the darkness. All of this must have only lasted a few moments and we ran off in the other direction as soon as we could move our feet. Months later a friend and I had gone back to Walker's Farm, It was late, around midnight, we were nowhere near the entrance to the farm but we heard a distant clanging sound. We could only describe it as metal on metal, as if a blacksmith was hard at work. We were both aware of the sound but figured it must have been coming from a distant garden or garage. The closer we came to the farm the louder it got, so loud it disrupted our conversation and we became curious of the noise that was now obviously coming from the farm. We both decided to walk to the top of the hill and when we reached it we were sure the noise was coming from inside the hut I mentioned earlier.We were both confused at this point because we had both previously visited the old hut in daylight and there was nothing but old debris scattered around the floor, no lights were coming from it, it had no windows and it was hard enough to see in daylight so we imagined it must have been the epitome of darkness in there.
We decided to go onto the farm, and get a little closer, purely driven by curiosity. We must have been one hundred yards away from the hut when all of a sudden the noise ceased. We stopped in our tracks and moments later we were both aware of something peering out from one of the tunnels, it was a dark figure but there was enough contrast to set it apart from the darkness of the farm. It was not a man, and I do not believe it was even human. The feeling I had was enough for me to be sure of that, terrified does not come close. We were stood there and we watched as it went back in and came back to peer around the corner at us a number of times. It was bigger than a normal man, it had a shape but I cannot say it was the silhouette of a human being. Its head was a very strange shape. In hope of a reply my friend called out to the dark figure but that only made things worse. Another dark figure appeared at the feet of the first, it was peering at us just like the other, only this one looked much more animalistic. It was crouched over, on all fours, but again I cannot say for certain that it took the shape of anything I had seen before. This silhouette made a noise only describable as a snarling, growling, angry noise, but not that of a dog of any kind. At this point we fled, running back to the hill and over it as fast as possible. When we reached the street lights we looked back towards the hill to see the first figure stood watching us. It never left the grounds of the old farm, but it followed us along as far as it could go, we saw its head bobbing up and down amidst the trees. This drove us both to tears, that is how scared we were.
Whatever it was was not visible but it shot off and we watched the branches move as it ran through them into the darkness. All of this must have only lasted a few moments and we ran off in the other direction as soon as we could move our feet. Months later a friend and I had gone back to Walker's Farm, It was late, around midnight, we were nowhere near the entrance to the farm but we heard a distant clanging sound. We could only describe it as metal on metal, as if a blacksmith was hard at work. We were both aware of the sound but figured it must have been coming from a distant garden or garage. The closer we came to the farm the louder it got, so loud it disrupted our conversation and we became curious of the noise that was now obviously coming from the farm. We both decided to walk to the top of the hill and when we reached it we were sure the noise was coming from inside the hut I mentioned earlier.We were both confused at this point because we had both previously visited the old hut in daylight and there was nothing but old debris scattered around the floor, no lights were coming from it, it had no windows and it was hard enough to see in daylight so we imagined it must have been the epitome of darkness in there.
We decided to go onto the farm, and get a little closer, purely driven by curiosity. We must have been one hundred yards away from the hut when all of a sudden the noise ceased. We stopped in our tracks and moments later we were both aware of something peering out from one of the tunnels, it was a dark figure but there was enough contrast to set it apart from the darkness of the farm. It was not a man, and I do not believe it was even human. The feeling I had was enough for me to be sure of that, terrified does not come close. We were stood there and we watched as it went back in and came back to peer around the corner at us a number of times. It was bigger than a normal man, it had a shape but I cannot say it was the silhouette of a human being. Its head was a very strange shape. In hope of a reply my friend called out to the dark figure but that only made things worse. Another dark figure appeared at the feet of the first, it was peering at us just like the other, only this one looked much more animalistic. It was crouched over, on all fours, but again I cannot say for certain that it took the shape of anything I had seen before. This silhouette made a noise only describable as a snarling, growling, angry noise, but not that of a dog of any kind. At this point we fled, running back to the hill and over it as fast as possible. When we reached the street lights we looked back towards the hill to see the first figure stood watching us. It never left the grounds of the old farm, but it followed us along as far as it could go, we saw its head bobbing up and down amidst the trees. This drove us both to tears, that is how scared we were.
Thursday, 22 May 2014
What Do They Want?
We as a whole nation, a society has adapted in life and witnessed such great events, some events that are without doubt strange mysteries, yet more mysteries keep unraveling right in front of our eyes before we can even blink. Strange lights in the skies, stories of natives meeting gods that come from our skies and people in our society right now who claim that they have had interactions with these entities. Whether these have been alleged Alien Abductions or simply just few seconds/minutes of interactions on Earth between Humans & these unknown ETs. So what do we simply do now, we want answers to all these reports we hear, we could even say we want to know off our visitors what they want or what their true intentions are to us. Do we prepare for a full scale invasion or simply greet our visitors with a cup of Tetley's.
I for one say we should be excited about them yet very weary, as far as we are concerned we don't know what they really want. Remember, Greys alone are believed to be a clone race, as for "Are we a food source for them?". How do I answer that one. In a way we are but they don't eat us. It is believed we have enzymes in our body which to Greys allows them to turn food into a sort of liquid formula based diet, so as they abduct humans some Greys will use the enzymes they find for that exact purpose. While others simply like to extract pieces of DNA and just experiment with the human body properly for all forms of research that is relevant to them.
As far as we are all concerned, the entire human race we are simply are endangered species to a degree. Waiting for more experiments to be carried out and how do we know that one day an Alien Race won't annihilate us and our planet. Just because it hasn't happened yet doesn't mean it won't in the future, some very scary thoughts, Right?
Then again though we can't always be afraid of our future or what the future holds to us all, we know they are out there. Watching us through their craft in our very own skies, just think a national security issue but are our governments interested? NO! The government got what they want from them which was aircraft extraterrestrial in origin. So now because of their own desires we have entities from other planets in our air, our very own atmosphere, entities, some with no emotions. Much like the Greys do, no emotion but happy to get their hands dirty. Maybe one day something new will take place that shows us if we can trust these alien visitors from outer space but at the moment only time will tell. If anything is to be guaranteed then it is this, Our world government knows everything about them, even some degree of what they want, just hope that one day something will occur where they see that money and power isn't everything and that us as a nation is the important thing.
I for one say we should be excited about them yet very weary, as far as we are concerned we don't know what they really want. Remember, Greys alone are believed to be a clone race, as for "Are we a food source for them?". How do I answer that one. In a way we are but they don't eat us. It is believed we have enzymes in our body which to Greys allows them to turn food into a sort of liquid formula based diet, so as they abduct humans some Greys will use the enzymes they find for that exact purpose. While others simply like to extract pieces of DNA and just experiment with the human body properly for all forms of research that is relevant to them.
As far as we are all concerned, the entire human race we are simply are endangered species to a degree. Waiting for more experiments to be carried out and how do we know that one day an Alien Race won't annihilate us and our planet. Just because it hasn't happened yet doesn't mean it won't in the future, some very scary thoughts, Right?
Then again though we can't always be afraid of our future or what the future holds to us all, we know they are out there. Watching us through their craft in our very own skies, just think a national security issue but are our governments interested? NO! The government got what they want from them which was aircraft extraterrestrial in origin. So now because of their own desires we have entities from other planets in our air, our very own atmosphere, entities, some with no emotions. Much like the Greys do, no emotion but happy to get their hands dirty. Maybe one day something new will take place that shows us if we can trust these alien visitors from outer space but at the moment only time will tell. If anything is to be guaranteed then it is this, Our world government knows everything about them, even some degree of what they want, just hope that one day something will occur where they see that money and power isn't everything and that us as a nation is the important thing.
Saturday, 17 May 2014
The Loveland Frogman an ET?
Sightings of different forms/species of humanoids have been seen for hundreds and thousands of years ranging back to the stone age. What could these entities be? Creatures born on this Planet, or could there even be possibilities that these were originally from other Planets and quite simply don't originate from Earth itself. Creatures that resemble half man/half ape - Bigfoot, half man/half dog - Dogmen and even humanoid versions of strange frog like men that have been witnessed over the years terrifying locals around the world. Could these be hybrids from other worlds and even possibly dimensions, gateways to Hell like worlds.
The first sighting of the Loveland Frogman took place in May, 1955, around 3:30 in the morning, an unnamed business man claimed that hr had witnessed something very odd and scary. He had witnessed three bipedal, quasi-reptilian entities congregating on the side of the road. Later on March 3rd, 1972 around 1:00 in the morning another incident took place. This time with an anonymous police officer, who was traveling along Riverside Road heading towards Loveland, when he came across a frog like creature on the side of the road. Then a few weeks later on March 17, 1972, Officer Mark Mathews, reported pulling over to assist an injured animal on the side of the road. Upon reaching the animal Officer Mathews was startled by a strange Frogman like creature.
A lady known only as Crystal sent this letter to a blog-site little while back:
We bought a little house down by the Loveland Castle Museum back in 2000. It was perched above a ravine and creek, and the back of the house dropped off very steeply. There would have been enough room for a man or a bipedal person to stand behind the house, but the basement windows were eye-level and the first floor was quite far up from the place where one could stand. The reason I point this out is that because it was a very small house, we had to use the basement for our two boys' bedroom. They kept complaining that "something" kept looking in the window at them and my husband and I laughed it off at first. It was a wooded setting, very rural and beautiful, and VERY DARK at night, having no streetlights out there. So it seemed funny that they were thinking something was watching them. We just told them maybe it was a deer (they are plentiful in the fall) and went about our business.
One night, however, I woke hearing a weird sound just outside our bedroom window on the first floor. It faced out back of the house, and I was puzzled as to what it could be because it sounded like a man, breathing heavily. I started to sit up and realized that whatever it was, it was looking in my window, just inches from my head and I was terrified. I did not look out because I knew that I would see it and I kept feeling something urging me to look. We often would hear squeaking noises, screeching (not like an owl) and a crying baby. I woke my husband up and he said whatever it was, it would have had to be 10 feet tall to look in our window. I couldn't sleep that night, but whatever had been there had moved on. I didn't mention it to the kids the next day. The boys came up from the basement, shaken from seeing "the red, glowing eyes" the night before. They were every bit as big as red road reflectors and they heard heavy breathing and the hair on their bodies stood up on end.
This was only ONE experience we had out there in Loveland. It's right down by the Little Miami River, only a stone's throw. Many weird things out there: green glows, orbs, something very large and black on top of the roof of the house very late at night (when light was shone on it, it did not go thru whatever it was on the roof, and it looked like a huge, dark figure.) I'd like to know if you have any more weird stories about this area. We moved a few miles away but still go past that area often. Crystal F.
These are just a small handful of the accounts from eyewitnesses who have witnessed this strange being known only as the Loveland Frogman. I couldn't possibly tell you if this is from outer space or from our own swamps and backwoods of our world but what I can tell you is that this is a very real phenomenon, one that is still out there today. So I say to you all, when you next go for a walk to your woods or even through a swamp just remember, that the Loveland Frogman might be there in the distance.
The first sighting of the Loveland Frogman took place in May, 1955, around 3:30 in the morning, an unnamed business man claimed that hr had witnessed something very odd and scary. He had witnessed three bipedal, quasi-reptilian entities congregating on the side of the road. Later on March 3rd, 1972 around 1:00 in the morning another incident took place. This time with an anonymous police officer, who was traveling along Riverside Road heading towards Loveland, when he came across a frog like creature on the side of the road. Then a few weeks later on March 17, 1972, Officer Mark Mathews, reported pulling over to assist an injured animal on the side of the road. Upon reaching the animal Officer Mathews was startled by a strange Frogman like creature.
A lady known only as Crystal sent this letter to a blog-site little while back:
We bought a little house down by the Loveland Castle Museum back in 2000. It was perched above a ravine and creek, and the back of the house dropped off very steeply. There would have been enough room for a man or a bipedal person to stand behind the house, but the basement windows were eye-level and the first floor was quite far up from the place where one could stand. The reason I point this out is that because it was a very small house, we had to use the basement for our two boys' bedroom. They kept complaining that "something" kept looking in the window at them and my husband and I laughed it off at first. It was a wooded setting, very rural and beautiful, and VERY DARK at night, having no streetlights out there. So it seemed funny that they were thinking something was watching them. We just told them maybe it was a deer (they are plentiful in the fall) and went about our business.
One night, however, I woke hearing a weird sound just outside our bedroom window on the first floor. It faced out back of the house, and I was puzzled as to what it could be because it sounded like a man, breathing heavily. I started to sit up and realized that whatever it was, it was looking in my window, just inches from my head and I was terrified. I did not look out because I knew that I would see it and I kept feeling something urging me to look. We often would hear squeaking noises, screeching (not like an owl) and a crying baby. I woke my husband up and he said whatever it was, it would have had to be 10 feet tall to look in our window. I couldn't sleep that night, but whatever had been there had moved on. I didn't mention it to the kids the next day. The boys came up from the basement, shaken from seeing "the red, glowing eyes" the night before. They were every bit as big as red road reflectors and they heard heavy breathing and the hair on their bodies stood up on end.
This was only ONE experience we had out there in Loveland. It's right down by the Little Miami River, only a stone's throw. Many weird things out there: green glows, orbs, something very large and black on top of the roof of the house very late at night (when light was shone on it, it did not go thru whatever it was on the roof, and it looked like a huge, dark figure.) I'd like to know if you have any more weird stories about this area. We moved a few miles away but still go past that area often. Crystal F.
These are just a small handful of the accounts from eyewitnesses who have witnessed this strange being known only as the Loveland Frogman. I couldn't possibly tell you if this is from outer space or from our own swamps and backwoods of our world but what I can tell you is that this is a very real phenomenon, one that is still out there today. So I say to you all, when you next go for a walk to your woods or even through a swamp just remember, that the Loveland Frogman might be there in the distance.
Wednesday, 14 May 2014
The Power Of The Universe
Everything in life has power, control and even when things are bad there is always a simmer of hope somewhere in our lives. Even in desperation we will do anything to maintain survival and our power among day to day events. I guess even in other unworldly dimensions & worlds deep among our star systems and universes there are species which will do all to keep their power in hand against all other species of extraterrestrials. From humanoid like races (Greys, Reptilians, Goblins, even human based creatures) to robotic based species. Who holds all the power with these species, do they all contain their very own degree of power, maybe a council out there which hold the cards somewhere along the lines. Keeping all the planets in order.
How about the race of Reptilians who have enough power that at one point they wanted to destroy our population of Dinosaurs, maybe they still do, I personally believe they do. Then you have the facts that some Grey Races are slaves to the Reptilians. You can look at it just like a chess game. With each piece getting ready to make their move against either the greater good or the purer evil of life itself. But then how do we know what they really stand for? One mighty question that deserves a lot of thinking is where do we fit into this chess game, how much power do some of these ETs have over us? Makes you realized a very lot when it comes to the governments cover ups and the secret meetings between officials and certain Alien Races such as the sinister Greys. These interactions have been happening for centuries as far back as any of us can actually remember, even then further back. We also have some naive alien species on this Earth such as sub species of Reptilians that live underground us, maybe even Hollow Earth and claim that this is their Earth but how long have they been here and what power have they got compared to other species of Reptilians.
But out there in the vast wide universe there must be hundreds of species of aliens, ranging from different varieties such as Ocean based entities, Flying Beings and so much more, yet these have not been witnessed as of yet but never say never after all. Maybe apart from Earth another planet that should be focused on when it comes to Alien Activity is Mars! How much actually happens there, there is a ton of conspiracies featuring Mars from Reptilian Beings being seen on photograph, to Grey sightings, then former employees of NASA & Astronauts who claim that the Government and NASA are lying to us on a daily basics. As well as evidence getting destroyed where that evidence could be used to give us some valuable analyse on future alien species and detailed information. Maybe one day something will happen for all this to stop but til then the Government has all the power but so do the Aliens. Plus not just the ETs that we know of but all the possible entities there could be out there, watching and waiting for their piece to play next and potentially be the winning piece.
How about the race of Reptilians who have enough power that at one point they wanted to destroy our population of Dinosaurs, maybe they still do, I personally believe they do. Then you have the facts that some Grey Races are slaves to the Reptilians. You can look at it just like a chess game. With each piece getting ready to make their move against either the greater good or the purer evil of life itself. But then how do we know what they really stand for? One mighty question that deserves a lot of thinking is where do we fit into this chess game, how much power do some of these ETs have over us? Makes you realized a very lot when it comes to the governments cover ups and the secret meetings between officials and certain Alien Races such as the sinister Greys. These interactions have been happening for centuries as far back as any of us can actually remember, even then further back. We also have some naive alien species on this Earth such as sub species of Reptilians that live underground us, maybe even Hollow Earth and claim that this is their Earth but how long have they been here and what power have they got compared to other species of Reptilians.
But out there in the vast wide universe there must be hundreds of species of aliens, ranging from different varieties such as Ocean based entities, Flying Beings and so much more, yet these have not been witnessed as of yet but never say never after all. Maybe apart from Earth another planet that should be focused on when it comes to Alien Activity is Mars! How much actually happens there, there is a ton of conspiracies featuring Mars from Reptilian Beings being seen on photograph, to Grey sightings, then former employees of NASA & Astronauts who claim that the Government and NASA are lying to us on a daily basics. As well as evidence getting destroyed where that evidence could be used to give us some valuable analyse on future alien species and detailed information. Maybe one day something will happen for all this to stop but til then the Government has all the power but so do the Aliens. Plus not just the ETs that we know of but all the possible entities there could be out there, watching and waiting for their piece to play next and potentially be the winning piece.
Friday, 9 May 2014
Spirits & ETs, what is real?
A lonesome creak was heard coming from upon the old wooden floorboards of the derelict old bedroom from upstairs. This was truly a horrible sound, a sound that was heard every single night. Originally the noise was put down to the heating but seeing as few weeks back the heating was refitted it didn't seem to make any sense. The fearful family who lived here at this broken down house had experienced other accounts while living there for the last few years. From the sound of footsteps at the middle of the night, to the small chuckle of little girls and even sightings of ghastly things that would make your belly turn inside out. This was normal to the family now and as time goes on they question what is really happening there, is it the house, maybe them but something truly Paranormal is happening. Then could you relate to the often rare sightings of the unknown objects that had been seen hovering above the house on some dark nights. As it has been said in past that some Paranormal activity has been caused by entities that are not Earth bounded but a race that comes from beyond the stars.
But are all sightings of ghosts and strange activity connected to Aliens from other worlds. How much do they influence the world that we all live in. I always believed that Paranormal and ETs were separate issues but really at times this isn't true but connected in the same big universe. Now I'm not saying that Ghosts don't exist cause I believe in them and have had my own encounters with them but I think a small percentage could be related to the world of Ufology. For example what about the witnesses who have witnessed strange Alien beings, much described like Greys that have appeared in their homes in the dead of night, some gliding and even transferring through solid walls? Whiles other will describe seeing apparitions of men, women and children, some who might speak that put hairs on the back of your neck stand up. Then we have the activity, objects moving from one place to another, noises that don't seem to sit right with us, the sound of doors and other particular movements. Houses full of memories from the past, or genuine sightings of entities from another world. Only you as the witness can truly notice these small indications that what we have in our world is much more than the Paranormal, much more than Cryptozoology and much more than the world of Ufology. Maybe one day we can gather enough evidence to tell each case apart from the last and truly be able to tell what is a Ghost and a Alien but til then all we can do is watch the stars for life, wait for strange Paranormal activity to take place but one thing we know in life is that nothing, and I mean nothing is plain as day.
But are all sightings of ghosts and strange activity connected to Aliens from other worlds. How much do they influence the world that we all live in. I always believed that Paranormal and ETs were separate issues but really at times this isn't true but connected in the same big universe. Now I'm not saying that Ghosts don't exist cause I believe in them and have had my own encounters with them but I think a small percentage could be related to the world of Ufology. For example what about the witnesses who have witnessed strange Alien beings, much described like Greys that have appeared in their homes in the dead of night, some gliding and even transferring through solid walls? Whiles other will describe seeing apparitions of men, women and children, some who might speak that put hairs on the back of your neck stand up. Then we have the activity, objects moving from one place to another, noises that don't seem to sit right with us, the sound of doors and other particular movements. Houses full of memories from the past, or genuine sightings of entities from another world. Only you as the witness can truly notice these small indications that what we have in our world is much more than the Paranormal, much more than Cryptozoology and much more than the world of Ufology. Maybe one day we can gather enough evidence to tell each case apart from the last and truly be able to tell what is a Ghost and a Alien but til then all we can do is watch the stars for life, wait for strange Paranormal activity to take place but one thing we know in life is that nothing, and I mean nothing is plain as day.
Tuesday, 6 May 2014
Who Are The Greys? Different Species
A race within race is an absolute guarantee when it comes to all species of animals, humanoids in the universe, whether that species is a unknown factor or not. So where are we when it comes to knowledge on different species of Greys? How many is there and how do they all differ, well something we do know is that the government has documented some of these species in their very own way, categorizing the species that they all know about too well. Now as far as I'm aware the government knows about at least 57 different species of extraterrestrials with a few of them including the different sub-species of Greys. Which makes us all wonder how many species of Greys could there be out there, watching our world among all the chaos and burning fires that our very own people create. Now I believe that due to Greys being a massive core part of UFOlogy, I thought this would be a good time to talk more on their species, now what I have discovered is that they have been split into Three Very Different Types and I'm hoping now to tell you more about these types.
Type A: Common Greys
This is the most common type of Grey. They are described as 4 to 4 and a half foot tall, with large heads and wraparound eyes, including their mouth which looks like a slit and no visible nose. In spite of the apparent physical similarities, the group of Type A Greys actually consists of several different species of Greys, not all are related and come from different parts of the Galaxy. The Zetas, e.g., come from the Reticulum constellation. These are the most commonly reported Greys and many believe that they are the worker and scientist class. Others believe that they are either 1) bio-mechanical drones or 2) a clone race which to me is a very likely thought and one that I will be talking more on as this series continues.
Type B: Tall Greys
Quite often the Greys of Type A & Type C are reported to be accompanied by one or more Greys of Type B: the Tall Greys. The type B Greys look very similar to the Type A Greys, but they are much taller. Often abductees have referred to these Tall Greys as "The Doctor", due to the fact that they seem to be the ones to oversee and be in charge of the medical procedures taking place during the abduction event. There are also two very separate types of Tall Greys, they are known as:
1) the large nosed tall Greys, or the Eban. They are 6 to 9 feet tall and are believed to come from the Betelgeuse system in the Orion Constellation.
2) the common tall Greys: They are 6 to 7 feet tall, basically a taller version of Type A and C, though it has been said that some of them has been seen with reproductive organs. They also seem to have something that resembles a small nose. These ones are believed to come from the same constellations as the Type A and C Greys.
Some people speculate that these Greys are the ones who have the leadership roles within the Grey Race and have been rumored to be the greys at the treaty signing back in California. Some say they very thin white hair suggesting that they are either a Human-Grey genetic hybrid program or that the Greys(at least the talls) are of a human-like evolutionary origin.
Type C: Smaller Greys
Sometimes people also mention about another type of Greys, a Greys which are counted as Type C. This species are said to be the shortest of them all. Estimated to be about 3 and a half foot tall. They are believed to be the most dangerous of all other Grey species. They come from Rigel and Bellatrix in the Orion constellation, also believed to be saurian/reptilian in nature.
There are many other species outside of these 3 types but I will leave them for another time, as it can get complicated, one piece of info at a time. These other species vary but one that I will be speaking about in the future is the Mantis Greys, a old looking, wrinkly Grey which has been described as having the face that resembles a Mantis hence the name, and also thought to be more of your typical elder type. Til next time though have a safe day and remember, keep watching the skies.
Type A: Common Greys
This is the most common type of Grey. They are described as 4 to 4 and a half foot tall, with large heads and wraparound eyes, including their mouth which looks like a slit and no visible nose. In spite of the apparent physical similarities, the group of Type A Greys actually consists of several different species of Greys, not all are related and come from different parts of the Galaxy. The Zetas, e.g., come from the Reticulum constellation. These are the most commonly reported Greys and many believe that they are the worker and scientist class. Others believe that they are either 1) bio-mechanical drones or 2) a clone race which to me is a very likely thought and one that I will be talking more on as this series continues.
Type B: Tall Greys
Quite often the Greys of Type A & Type C are reported to be accompanied by one or more Greys of Type B: the Tall Greys. The type B Greys look very similar to the Type A Greys, but they are much taller. Often abductees have referred to these Tall Greys as "The Doctor", due to the fact that they seem to be the ones to oversee and be in charge of the medical procedures taking place during the abduction event. There are also two very separate types of Tall Greys, they are known as:
1) the large nosed tall Greys, or the Eban. They are 6 to 9 feet tall and are believed to come from the Betelgeuse system in the Orion Constellation.
2) the common tall Greys: They are 6 to 7 feet tall, basically a taller version of Type A and C, though it has been said that some of them has been seen with reproductive organs. They also seem to have something that resembles a small nose. These ones are believed to come from the same constellations as the Type A and C Greys.
Some people speculate that these Greys are the ones who have the leadership roles within the Grey Race and have been rumored to be the greys at the treaty signing back in California. Some say they very thin white hair suggesting that they are either a Human-Grey genetic hybrid program or that the Greys(at least the talls) are of a human-like evolutionary origin.
Type C: Smaller Greys
Sometimes people also mention about another type of Greys, a Greys which are counted as Type C. This species are said to be the shortest of them all. Estimated to be about 3 and a half foot tall. They are believed to be the most dangerous of all other Grey species. They come from Rigel and Bellatrix in the Orion constellation, also believed to be saurian/reptilian in nature.
There are many other species outside of these 3 types but I will leave them for another time, as it can get complicated, one piece of info at a time. These other species vary but one that I will be speaking about in the future is the Mantis Greys, a old looking, wrinkly Grey which has been described as having the face that resembles a Mantis hence the name, and also thought to be more of your typical elder type. Til next time though have a safe day and remember, keep watching the skies.
Monday, 28 April 2014
The Falcon Lake UFO Incident
There are thousands of UFO cases every year, some more deeper than others but always cases in the UFO field. Though one certain case made it's way in the headlines, the case known as the Falcon Lake UFO Encounter, and this case has occupied a unique place in Paranormal and UFOlogy history. Now while a large majority of UFO incidents are reported as strictly aerial sightings, the Falcon Lake UFO Encounter is one of a small percentage of cases which have documented actual physical injuries as the result of a UFO experience.
This incident was reported to have taken place back on May 20th, 1967 at of course Falcon Lake which is situated in Southeastern Manitoba, Canada. Stephen Michalak, was a mechanic living in Winnipeg, Manitoba during this time. He had decided to spend his Victoria Day weekend prospecting for silver at Whiteshell Provincial Park near Falcon Lake. He was very well acquainted with the area, having tried his hand at prospecting several time in the past in various parts of Whiteshell, but he had recently been told about some promising veins of quartz near Falcon Lake that carried potential silver deposits. Equipped with a game plan, Michalak traveled to Falcon Lake on May 19th and checked into a motel on the Trans-Canada Highway that evening, eager to begin prospecting the next morning.
At roughly 5:30 a.m. on the 20th, Michalak left the motel and headed into the northern area of the park to begin digging. By 9:00 a.m. he had located a vein of quartz near a small stream, and continued digging until roughly around 12 noon, at which time he took a lunch break. The peace and quiet of his surroundings was soon interrupted by the sound of several cackling geese that were evidently responding to some type of disturbance nearby. Michalak looked up in the sky and observed two cigar-shaped objects descending slowly into the woods. Both objects appeared to be glowing with a reddish hue, and as they continued to get closer, they took on more of a disc-like shape instead of oval or elongated.
As Michalak continued to observe from a distance, one of the two crafts began to hover in mid-flight, while the other one landed on a massive flat rock roughly 160 feet away from Michalak's vantage point. The craft that had been hovering in the air abruptly departed westward, disappearing behind a cover of clouds. Michalak observed that the craft seemed to change in color from red to grey before it had completely faded from view. As he redirected his attention to the craft that had landed just a small distance away, he noticed that its color had also changed from a glowing red to what appeared to be a greyish color, recounted by Michalak as looking somewhat like "hot stainless steel." He had been wearing protective goggles to shield his eyes from rock fragments while digging, and they also proved to be instrumental in protecting his eyes from the intense light that emanated from various openings in the craft.
Michalak estimated the object to be roughly 40 feet in diameter, with a domed top and several apertures through which a brilliant purple light emanated. The craft had no external markings to indicate that it was the property of any particular commercial or military entity. Michalak also noticed waves of warm air accompanied by a sulfur-like smell coming from the craft. He was able to sketch the object from his position, and after roughly 15 minutes, he noticed a doorway or portal on the side of the craft had been opened. Taking in as many details of the scene as possible, Michalak anxiously waited to see if anyone would emerge from the craft.
After waiting in vain for about half an hour, Michalak decided to carefully approach the object. Guessing that the craft may be an experimental U.S. military vehicle, he slowly approached the open doorway and heard a couple of humanlike voices speaking in an indistinguishable language. He attempted to address them in English first, giving a warm greeting, and while the voices inside the craft stopped speaking, they gave no direct response to him. He then cautiously addressed them in Russian, asking “Do you speak Russian?” This was also met with no response. Michalak then tried some basic greetings in German, French, Ukranian, and Italian, all to no avail. During this time he was able to get a glimpse of some of the interior of the craft through the doorway, and he noticed that the walls were roughly 18 to 20 inches thick, and featured a honeycomb-like construction. He also noticed what appeared to be some type of control panel, upon which was a maze-like pattern of several different beams of light, arranged in horizontal and diagonal configurations.
After Michalak had attempted the greetings in various languages, the door of the craft abruptly slammed shut, with a type of motion similar to a camera shutter. He then touched the craft with his gloved hand and noticed that it did not feature any type of joints or welding, but seemed rather to have a perfectly smooth, polished and highly reflective surface. Michalak then noticed that his glove had burned and subsequently melted, although he had barely brushed the craft with his hand. In what seemed like only a split second, the craft suddenly changed position, which put Michalak directly in front of some type of exhaust vent that had a grid-like appearance. Suddenly, a blast of extremely hot air shot from this vent, setting Michalak’s shirt and undershirt on fire. he frantically removed his shirts, but did not escape having his skin burned by the blast. The craft then abruptly ascended and took off into the clouds, and Michalak felt a rush of air as it accelerated. He later discovered burn marks on his chest in the exact same grid-like shape of the exhaust vent.
Once the incident had passed, Michalak returned to the spot where he had left his belongings and attempted to gather his senses. The air carried a heavy smell similar to burnt electric wire, along with the sulfur-like smell. He looked down at his compass and noticed that the needle was spinning erratically, but after a few minutes had passed, it eventually became still again. Michalak started feeling very nauseous, and also began to suffer from a severe headache. He headed back to the site where the craft had landed and noticed a completely smooth, circular patch of land (no stones or twigs), but on the perimeter of the circle was a pile of accumulated debris such as dirt, leaves and pine needles. He broke out in a cold sweat and became increasingly nauseous, to the point where he vomited. Michalak decided to gather his things and head back to the motel, vomiting several times more on the way.
Michalak sought help from a constable of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police who happened to be driving by, but was ultimately unsuccessful, as the officer refused to help Michalak after suspecting that he had been intoxicated. After returning to the hotel, Michalak took a bus back to Winnipeg, where his son met him and took him to the hospital. Michalak was tested for radiation poisoning, but all tests came back well within normal range. Over the next 7 days, Michalak continued to battle nausea and headaches, and lost a total of 22 pounds over the course of the week. He eventually regained his weight and slowly came back to decent health, but was determined to investigate the site of the encounter to see if he could find out more details about what he had experienced.
Michalak enlisted the help of the Canadian military, who assembled a team of investigators that accompanied him to the site on July 2nd, 1967. The investigators took several samples of the soil around the area, and after laboratory analysis the samples were found to contain high levels of radium, posing a “possible serious health hazard” to the area. Investigators also found a round-shaped clearing roughly 15 feet in diameter on the surface of the rock where the craft had allegedly landed. Moss and dirt that had formerly covered the rock had been “blasted” to the perimeter of the clearing by what appeared to have been a strong rush of air. While some of the team’s findings seemed to challenge Michalak’s account–e.g., the surrounding trees and flora showed little to no signs of disturbances or heat damage–there has been an ongoing suspicion that some of the evidence from the site has been obscured or tampered with in order to quell suspicions of paranormal phenomena. Michalak’s case had even been brought before the Canadian House of Commons in November of 1967, but the cabinet members that raised questions regarding the Falcon Lake incident were basically stonewalled by the Department of National Defence.
In 1999, Michalak passed away at the age of 83. The Falcon Lake UFO incident has been widely accepted as one of the most genuine accounts of a close encounter resulting in physical after-effects. While the investigations into the details of Michalak’s account have raised skepticism due to their paranormal claims, nothing has been discovered that completely discredits his story either.
Saturday, 26 April 2014
The Kelly-Hopkinsville Case
There has always been stories down the ages of Ghouls, Gremlins and even the likes of Goblins and Trolls, but are these creatures created on Earth or are they extraterrestrial in origin. Coming from other worlds and dimensions but now purely existing in our own world, our beautiful planet Earth. Such reports of goblin like creatures have been seen and even associated with the UFO phenomenon but what role do they play? What are they really like, a hostile like species looking to eliminate the human race or a good, kind race looking to save us all from ourselves, and other species of aliens. One such account which took place back in Kentucky, 1955 where their true intentions we believe were shown on a family who were literally fighting for their lives. As we delve deeper into this terrifying account of a real life alien invasion we soon discover that not all aliens are coming to our planet to deliver warm felt messages across our nations, and that much more sinister forces are at work here.
In 1955 a strange and bizarre incident took place in Christian County, Kentucky on the evening of August 21st. Located in the rural area of Christian County, was Kelly a little town which was located near the small city of Hopkinsville. This incident would involve the Sutton family who wasn't expecting anything like this to happen. Something so mysterious that it never originated from planet Earth but from the furthest reaches of space.
The lifestyle of a typical Kentucky rural family has been intact for decades, and the Sutton family has stuck to this tradition. "Lucky" Sutton, as he was known to friends and neighbors, was the "patriarch" of this bluegrass clan. During this incident a man from Pennsylvania named Billy Ray Taylor was visiting Lucky and his family. Billy had left the Sutton household to get some water from the family well. As he approached the well he saw an immense, strange, shining object land in a small gully about a quarter of a mile away. He ran back to the household where he told the Suttons about his sighting at the well. Billy was laughed at by the family who didn't believe his story. Wasn't til later that evening that they would soon enough believe Billy's story.
After a short period of time, the family dog soon started to bark into the darkness. The family knew something was going on outside for their dog to bark the way he was barking. Lucky and Billy grabbed their guns heading outside, planning to shoot first and ask questions after. Only a short distance away from them, from the front door they were stopped dead in their tracks. Right in front of them was this strange humanoid green in color creature. They were 3-4 foot tall and were walking up to the house with their hands raised in the air, as if they were surrendering. The family described these creatures as having "large eyes, a long thin mouth, large ears, short thin legs, and hands ending in claws.
Frightened by this green entity, Billy Ray fired a shot with his .22, and Lucky unloaded with his shotgun. Both men later admitted that there was no way they missed the creature at close range, but the little being just did a back flip and ran into the woods. No sooner had the two men re-entered the house that a creature that looked identical to the creature outside, appeared at a window. They took a shot at it, leaving a blast hole through the screen. They ran back outside to see if the creature was dead, but found no trace of it. Standing at the front of the house, the men were terrified by a clawed hand reaching down from the roof in an attempt to touch them. Again, they shot, but the being simply floated to the group, and then scurried into the cover of the woods. The two men sought the protection of the house again, only to find themselves under siege from these little entities. For a time, the entities seemed to tease the whole family, appearing from one window to another. Taking pot shots through the windows and walls, their weapons seemed totally ineffective against the invading creatures.
After several hours of fear, the Sutton family decided to make a break for it, to get help at the Police Station at Hopkinsville. Family members took two vehicles to the Police Station in Hopkinsville, reporting their strange tale to Sheriff Russell Greenwell. Finally persuading the policemen that they were not joking, the authorities agreed to visit their household. Arriving at the farm, police found no trace of the creatures, but did find numerous bullet and rifle holes in the windows and walls, suggesting that some kind of battle had occurred at their house. Greenwell was in charge of the twenty plus officers at the scene, and reported that the Suttons seemed sober, and were genuinely frightened by something. Police soon started to gather a rapport by speaking to numerous nearby neighbors, reports came back of the "hearing of shots being fired," and the observation of "lights in the sky."
Exhausting all efforts to find the origin of this strange report, the police left the Sutton place at about 2:15 am. As soon as they did, the creatures made their return. They began again peeking in through the windows, seemingly out of curiosity. More gunfire took place, but again without any effect. Several more hours of antics followed, finally stopping just before daybreak. The police were finally persuaded to call in the Air Force personnel the next morning, but a new search brought no results. After the beings had left, Billy Ray and Lucky had gone into Evansville, Indiana to take care of some business. The other five members were questioned by Air Force Personnel and Police.
On 8/22/55, the Kentucky "New Era" newspaper carried the story of the events. Naturally, initial public opinion was that the whole story was a hoax. If this was the case, several questions must be answered. Why would the Sutton family make up such an amazing claim? They made no money from the story, and didn't seek any publicity. Why would they shoot holes in the walls of their home, causing a financial drain on the family to repair the damages? Including Billy Ray and Lucky, seven adults were witnesses to these events. All of them, when questioned separately, gave the same story. Also sketches were made of the beings, and they depicted the creatures in a like manner. A year after the events, the case was thoroughly investigated by Isabel Davis, who related that the witnesses stories had not changed. As the years rolled by, the accounts of the Sutton family stood firm. No evidence of a hoax has ever been brought forward. The case was also looked into by Bud Ledwith, who was an engineer at a Hopkinsville radio station. Noted investigator, Dr. J. Allen Hynek, also accepted the accounts of the Suttons. Hynek discussed the details of the case with Davis and Ledwith. Although the Kelly-Hopkinsville case is an extremely unusual one, it is considered today to be authentic by many UFO investigators

In 1955 a strange and bizarre incident took place in Christian County, Kentucky on the evening of August 21st. Located in the rural area of Christian County, was Kelly a little town which was located near the small city of Hopkinsville. This incident would involve the Sutton family who wasn't expecting anything like this to happen. Something so mysterious that it never originated from planet Earth but from the furthest reaches of space.
The lifestyle of a typical Kentucky rural family has been intact for decades, and the Sutton family has stuck to this tradition. "Lucky" Sutton, as he was known to friends and neighbors, was the "patriarch" of this bluegrass clan. During this incident a man from Pennsylvania named Billy Ray Taylor was visiting Lucky and his family. Billy had left the Sutton household to get some water from the family well. As he approached the well he saw an immense, strange, shining object land in a small gully about a quarter of a mile away. He ran back to the household where he told the Suttons about his sighting at the well. Billy was laughed at by the family who didn't believe his story. Wasn't til later that evening that they would soon enough believe Billy's story.
The Encounter
After a short period of time, the family dog soon started to bark into the darkness. The family knew something was going on outside for their dog to bark the way he was barking. Lucky and Billy grabbed their guns heading outside, planning to shoot first and ask questions after. Only a short distance away from them, from the front door they were stopped dead in their tracks. Right in front of them was this strange humanoid green in color creature. They were 3-4 foot tall and were walking up to the house with their hands raised in the air, as if they were surrendering. The family described these creatures as having "large eyes, a long thin mouth, large ears, short thin legs, and hands ending in claws.
Goblin-Like Entities Witnessed By The Sutton Family |
Frightened by this green entity, Billy Ray fired a shot with his .22, and Lucky unloaded with his shotgun. Both men later admitted that there was no way they missed the creature at close range, but the little being just did a back flip and ran into the woods. No sooner had the two men re-entered the house that a creature that looked identical to the creature outside, appeared at a window. They took a shot at it, leaving a blast hole through the screen. They ran back outside to see if the creature was dead, but found no trace of it. Standing at the front of the house, the men were terrified by a clawed hand reaching down from the roof in an attempt to touch them. Again, they shot, but the being simply floated to the group, and then scurried into the cover of the woods. The two men sought the protection of the house again, only to find themselves under siege from these little entities. For a time, the entities seemed to tease the whole family, appearing from one window to another. Taking pot shots through the windows and walls, their weapons seemed totally ineffective against the invading creatures.
After several hours of fear, the Sutton family decided to make a break for it, to get help at the Police Station at Hopkinsville. Family members took two vehicles to the Police Station in Hopkinsville, reporting their strange tale to Sheriff Russell Greenwell. Finally persuading the policemen that they were not joking, the authorities agreed to visit their household. Arriving at the farm, police found no trace of the creatures, but did find numerous bullet and rifle holes in the windows and walls, suggesting that some kind of battle had occurred at their house. Greenwell was in charge of the twenty plus officers at the scene, and reported that the Suttons seemed sober, and were genuinely frightened by something. Police soon started to gather a rapport by speaking to numerous nearby neighbors, reports came back of the "hearing of shots being fired," and the observation of "lights in the sky."
Exhausting all efforts to find the origin of this strange report, the police left the Sutton place at about 2:15 am. As soon as they did, the creatures made their return. They began again peeking in through the windows, seemingly out of curiosity. More gunfire took place, but again without any effect. Several more hours of antics followed, finally stopping just before daybreak. The police were finally persuaded to call in the Air Force personnel the next morning, but a new search brought no results. After the beings had left, Billy Ray and Lucky had gone into Evansville, Indiana to take care of some business. The other five members were questioned by Air Force Personnel and Police.
On 8/22/55, the Kentucky "New Era" newspaper carried the story of the events. Naturally, initial public opinion was that the whole story was a hoax. If this was the case, several questions must be answered. Why would the Sutton family make up such an amazing claim? They made no money from the story, and didn't seek any publicity. Why would they shoot holes in the walls of their home, causing a financial drain on the family to repair the damages? Including Billy Ray and Lucky, seven adults were witnesses to these events. All of them, when questioned separately, gave the same story. Also sketches were made of the beings, and they depicted the creatures in a like manner. A year after the events, the case was thoroughly investigated by Isabel Davis, who related that the witnesses stories had not changed. As the years rolled by, the accounts of the Sutton family stood firm. No evidence of a hoax has ever been brought forward. The case was also looked into by Bud Ledwith, who was an engineer at a Hopkinsville radio station. Noted investigator, Dr. J. Allen Hynek, also accepted the accounts of the Suttons. Hynek discussed the details of the case with Davis and Ledwith. Although the Kelly-Hopkinsville case is an extremely unusual one, it is considered today to be authentic by many UFO investigators

Monday, 21 April 2014
My First UFO Sighting
The Night In Question
My first actual encounter happened back when I had moved to Doncaster not too long ago now actually. Back in the middle of November, 2009 I was chilling in my warm house in Dunscroft with the family. On this evening we was watching some telly when we had got a phone call off a family member who was deep within our hearts. Out of the blue our family's dog - Sooty, who we had left outside in the back garden just moments earlier started barking. Now Sooty was always a very sweet and protective dog, loud but loving, a Collie crossed with Alsatian. With his deep loud protective barking we thought after several minutes later that I would go out to see what was up and see if we could calm him down and stop his barking. I got up out of my warm chair to walk to the back door, during this time I was wondering the usual. I had all these thoughts come through, was it the usual suspects, the birds, horses as we had a field next to our garden or maybe even the neighbors. Though on this evening what had happened next surprised and shocked me.
As I walked out the back door I suddenly felt the strong breeze of wind and the coldness as the chills got to my skin very quickly. He was still barking and looking up at the tree. "Sooty" I shouted for several seconds, now it must have been a bird I thought. Wasn't too long when his barking starting to calm down a little but the more I looked into his big beautiful shiny eyes, the more I could see that he wasn't looking at the nearby tree, so I could eliminate the possibility of birds. I then realized he was watching the sky right above us but there was something else, something that he was barking at but which was high up in the sky. Now before this night I believed in UFOs, I believed in Aliens and all the sightings and reports in between but I never for once thought I would witness something that was so spectacular, you would never believe it.
I tilted my head right back so I could adjust my eyes and look into the sky, my mouth gaped open and I was amazed. By this point all kinds were running through my head, planes, helicopters, jets but I had seen all these before so I defo knew that what I was looking at wasn't any of these, besides when is it that you see an unknown object just hover above you in the night sky. This object was something I had never seen before, I couldn't be too sure about the exact shape as colors were flashing against my eyes but it was more round disk shape but couldn't make out if it had a dome on top. This unknown craft (UFO) was still just hovering right above me, it seemed like several minutes had passed me but by this time not even ten seconds had gone by. Strange lights started to get produced by this mystery vehicle, there was blue, then quickly turned to green, red and even a bright yellow with various other colors. Was just staying up there hovering in the same spot flashing these different colors for about 3 minutes and without warning a very bright white flash of light was shot out from this UFO. The whiteness filled the sky blinding my eyes for several seconds, as the white light disappeared and my eyes were good and ready, I looked back toward the sky in the same spot but it had vanished in thin air. I looked up around the sky seeing if I could see the object but there was no sign of it at all. With all this happening I was able to take a photo or two which you will see if you scroll down a bit. I end this blog with asking, after seeing the photos what do you think I witnessed on that cold night? Was it a UFO or explainable?

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