The First Believed Sightings Of The Greys?
The Greys have been around for such a long period of time but exactly how long, could they even be from our future, perhaps US from thousands of years in the future. In my last blog I briefly Introduced the Greys to everybody who might not be familiar with them or even to people who might want to do some catch up reading on that species. The aim of this series in my blog now which I have named "Who Are The Greys?" is basically for me to get as much more info out there as I possibly can for you all, hoping to write almost daily so I can get a new piece out on a regular basis. A way to get a understanding and learn more from our Grey Friends. This piece today is to speak more on their first believed Sightings such as The Roswell Incident and also then the Betty and Barney Hill Abduction associated with the species but first, stories that had included Grey like entities before these such accounts had occurred.
Back in 1893 an article was published that was named "Man Of The Year Million" which H. G. Wells had wrote in which he envisaged that humanity had been transformed into a race of grey-skinned beings, stunted with big heads. You could compare these beings of that with the Morlocks of Wells 1895 novel, The Time Machine. The Morlocks appeared greyish-white in color with large eyes but were hairy over their body. In his 1901 book The First Men in the Moon, Wells described Selenites (natives of the Moon) as having grey skin, big hands, large black eyes and wasp-stings. He also briefly describes aliens resembling Greys brought down to Earth by the Martian antagonists of his 1898 novel The War of the Worlds.
In 1933, the Swedish novelist Gustav Sandgren, using the pen name Gabriel Linde, published a science-fiction novel called Den okanda faran (The Unknown Danger), in which he describes a race of extraterrestrials, the creatures don't resemble any race of humans. They are short, shorter than the average Japanese, and their heads were big and bald, with strong, square foreheads, and very small noses and mouths, with weak chins. What is the most extraordinary thing about them was the eyes - large, dark, gleaming, with a sharp gaze. They also wore clothes which was made from a soft grey fabric, and their limbs seemed to be similar to those of humans. The novel was aimed at young readers which included illustrations of the imagined aliens.
The United States Armed Forces maintains that what was recovered near Roswell was just debris from the crash of an experimental high-altitude surveillance balloon belonging to what was then a classified (top secret) program named Mogul. In contrast many UFO researchers maintain that an alien craft was found, it's occupants were captured, and that the military engaged in a massive cover-up. The Roswell Incident has turned into a widely known pop culture phenomenon worldwide, making the name "Roswell" synonymous with UFOs. Roswell has become the most publicized of all alleged UFO Incidents. On July 8, 1947, the Roswell Army Air Field (RAAF) public information officer Walter Haut, issued a press release stating that
personnel from the field's 509th Operations Group had recovered a "flying disk", which had crashed on a ranch near Roswell. Later that day, the press reported that Commanding General of the Eighth Air Force Roger Ramey had stated that a weather balloon was recovered by the RAAF personnel. A press conference was held, featuring debris (foil, rubber and wood) said to be from the crashed object, which seemed to confirm it's description as a weather balloon. Though this would soon be a bigger clue suggesting that this was in fact not a weather balloon.

In 1933, the Swedish novelist Gustav Sandgren, using the pen name Gabriel Linde, published a science-fiction novel called Den okanda faran (The Unknown Danger), in which he describes a race of extraterrestrials, the creatures don't resemble any race of humans. They are short, shorter than the average Japanese, and their heads were big and bald, with strong, square foreheads, and very small noses and mouths, with weak chins. What is the most extraordinary thing about them was the eyes - large, dark, gleaming, with a sharp gaze. They also wore clothes which was made from a soft grey fabric, and their limbs seemed to be similar to those of humans. The novel was aimed at young readers which included illustrations of the imagined aliens.
Roswell Incident
The Roswell Incident is known to be one of the most notorious conspiracy theories out there dealing with the world of Ufology & also one of the best believed reports on a crashed UFO hitting our atmosphere. The Incident took place in the U.S. in June or July, 1947. When an unknown airborne object crashed on a ranch near Roswell, New Mexico. Explanations of what crashed on that fateful day are based on both official and unofficial communications. Although the crash is attributed to a secret U.S. military Air Force surveillance balloon by the U.S. government, the most famous explanation of what occurred is that the object was a spacecraft containing alien life. Since the late 1970s, the Roswell Incident has been the subject of much controversy, and conspiracy theories have arisen about this event.

Subsequently the incident faded from the attention of UFO researchers for over 30 years. In 1978, physicist and ufologist Stanton T. Friedman interviewed Major Jesse Marcel who was involved with the original recovery of the debris in 1947. Marcel expressed his belief that the military covered up the recovery of an alien spacecraft. During this time he also mentioned about dead bodies which were found with the crashed craft, this would explain the child sized coffins that were built for this Incident in 1947 and also how the military covered up the debris in which he had felt with his own skin. A debris which from a distance could be mistaken for tin foil but on later inspection realized that it was the outer shell for the craft, a material where you could crunch it up, fold it, bend it but it would always materialize back to it's original shape. His story spread spread through UFO circles, being featured in some UFO documentaries at the time. In February 1980, the National Enquirer ran its own interview with Marcel, garnering national and worldwide attention for the Roswell Incident. He also spoke of how him and his family were silenced on the matter of Roswell. Additional witnesses added significant new details including claims of a large-scale military operation dedicated to recovering alien craft and aliens themselves, at as many 11 crash sites, and alleged witness intimidation. In 1989 former mortician Glenn Dennis put forth a detailed personal account, wherein he claimed alien autopsies were carried out at the Roswell base.
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Jesse Marcel with Debris |
Betty and Barney Hill Abduction
The Hills lived in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Barney 1922-1969 was employed by the U.S. Postal Service, while Betty 1919-2004 was a social worker. Active in a Unitarian congregation, the Hills were also members of the NAACP and community leaders, and Barney sat on a local board of the U.S. Civil Rights Commission. They were an interracial couple at a time when it was particularly unusual in the United States; Barney was black and Betty was white.
The Encounter
According to a variety of reports given by the Hills, the alleged UFO sighting occurred on September 19, 1961, at around 10:30 p.m. The Hills were driving back to Portsmouth from a vacation in Niagara Falls and Montreal, Quebec, Canada. There were only a few other cars on the road as they made their way home to New Hampshire's seacoast. Just south of Lancaster, New Hampshire, Betty claimed to have observed a bright point of light in the sky that moved from below the moon and the planet Jupiter, upward to the west of the moon. While Barney navigated U.S. Route 3, Betty reasoned that she was observing a falling star, only it moved upward, like a plane or a satellite. Since it moved erratically and grew bigger and brighter, Betty urged Barney to stop the car for a closer look, as well as to walk their dog, Delsey. Barney stopped at a scenic picnic area just south of Twin Mountain. Worried about the presence of bears, Barney retrieved a pistol that he had concealed in the trunk of the car. Betty, through her binoculars, observed an "odd shaped" craft flashing multicolored lights travel across the face of the moon. Because her sister had confided in her about having a flying saucer sighting several years earlier, Betty thought it might be what she was observing. Through binoculars Barney observed what he reasoned was a commercial airliner travelling toward Vermont on its way to Montreal. However, he soon changed his mind, because without looking as if it had turned, the craft rapidly descended in his direction. This observation caused Barney to realize, "this object that was a plane was not a plane." He quickly returned to the car and drove toward Franconia Notch, a narrow, mountainous stretch of the road.
The Hills claimed that they continued driving on the isolated road, moving very slowly through Franconia Notch in order to observe the object as it came even closer. At one point, the object passed above a restaurant and signal tower on top of Cannon Mountain. It passed over the mountain and came out near the Old Man of the Mountain. Betty testified that it was at least one and a half times the length of the granite cliff profile, which was 40 feet (12 m) long, and that seemed to be rotating. The couple watched as the silent, illuminated craft moved erratically and bounced back and forth in the night sky. As they drove along Route 3 through Franconia Notch, they stated that it seemed to be playing a game of cat and mouse with them. Approximately one mile south of Indian Head, they said, the object rapidly descended toward their vehicle causing Barney to stop directly in the middle of the highway. The huge, silent craft hovered approximately 80-100 feet (24-30 m) above the Hill's 1957 Chevrolet Bel Air and filled the entire field of the windshield. It reminded Barney of a huge pancake. Carrying his pistol in his pocket, he stepped away from the vehicle and moved closer to this object.
Using their binoculars, Barney claimed to have witnessed about 8 to 11 humanoid figures who were peering out of the craft's windows, seemingly watching him. In unison, all but one figure moved to what appeared to be a panel on the rear wall of the hallway that encircled the front portion of the craft. The one remaining figure continued to watch Barney and started to communicate a message to him telling him to "stay where you are and keep looking." Barney had a conscious, continuous recollection of observing the humanoid forms which were covered from top to bottom in glossy black uniforms and black caps. Red lights on what appeared to be bat-wing fins began to telescope out of the sides of the craft and a long structure descended from the bottom of the craft. The silent craft approached to what Barney estimated was within 50-80 feet (15-24 m) overhead and 300 feet (91 m) away from him. On October 21, 1961, Barney reported to NICAP Investigator Walter Webb, that the "beings were somehow not human". Barney tore the binoculars away from his eyes and ran back to his car. In a near hysterical state, he told Betty, "They're going to capture us!". He saw the object again shift its location to directly above the vehicle. He drove away at high speed, telling Betty to look for the object. She rolled down the window and looked up, but saw only darkness above them, even though it was a bright, starry night. Almost immediately, the Hills heard a rhythmic series of beeping or buzzing sounds which they said seemed to bounce off the truck of their vehicle. The car vibrated and a tingling sensation passed through the Hills bodies. Betty touched the metal on the passenger door expecting to feel an electric shock, but felt only the vibration. The Hills said that at this point in time they experienced the onset of an altered state of consciousness that left their minds dulled. A second series of code-like beeping or buzzing sounds returned the couple to full consciousness. They found that they had traveled nearly 35 miles (56 km) south but had only vague, spotty memories of this section of road. They recalled making a sudden unplanned turn, encountering a roadblock, and observing a fiery orb in the road.
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Barney & Betty Hill with their dog Delsey |
Arriving home at about dawn, the Hills assert that they had some odd sensations and impulses they could not readily explain: Betty insisted their luggage be kept near the back door rather than in the main part of the house. Their watches would never run again. Barney noted that the leather strap for the binoculars was torn, though he could not recall it tearing. The toes of his best dress shoes were inexplicably scraped. Barney says he was compelled to examine his genitals in the bathroom, though he found nothing unusual. They took long showers to remove possible contamination and each drea a picture of what they had observed. Their drawings were strikingly similar. Perplexed, the Hills say they tried to reconstruct the chronology of events as they witnessed the UFO and drove home. But immediately after they heard the buzzing sounds, their memories became incomplete and fragmented. They vaguely recalled a luminous moon shape sitting on the road. Barney recalled saying "Oh no, not again". Betty thought Barney had taken a sharp left turn off Route 3. After sleeping for a few hours, Betty awoke and placed the shoes and clothing she had worn during the drive into her closet, observing that the dress was torn at the hem, zipper and lining. Later, when she retrieved the items from her closet, she noted a pinkish powder on her dress. She hung the dress on her clothesline and the pink powder blew away. But the dress was irreparably damaged. She threw it away, but then changed her mind, retrieving the dress and hanging it in her closet. Over the years, five laboratories have conducted chemical and forensic analyses on the dress. There were shiny, concentric circles on their car trunk that had not been there the previous day. Betty and Barney experimented with a compass, noting that when they moved it close to the spots, the needle would whirl rapidly. But when they moved it a few inches away from the shiny spots, it would drop down.
As time went on they reported their sighting at their nearest base which later resulted in them starting sessions at their local Hypnosis and the results they got back were deeply disturbing in their own right. I will be writing a separate piece on their hypnosis sessions as there is quite a bit to cover on that alone but in doing those sessions, Betty remembered that the alien race that had abducted them showed her a star map of their origins and where they had come from. They originally came from the Zeta Reticuli star system making this species of alien one type of Grey.
Will we ever reach Zeta Reticuli in our life time? Prob no, not even with our ongoing technology but one thing we do know is that both extraterrestrials and the Zeta Reticuli is out there waiting.
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The Star Map that Betty Hill was shown. |
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